
E-waste is an issue that is often overlooked, even though it affects us all. From smartphones to laptops to old televisions, our technological dependence is leaving its mark. Here are ten startling facts to show you why it's time to rethink:

1. E-waste is growing faster than any other category of waste

Worldwide, more than 50 million tons of electronic waste and the trend is rising. This volume could double by 2030. The main reason: ever shorter product life cycles.

2. Only 17 % of electronic waste is recycled

Although almost every electronic device contains valuable materials such as gold, copper and rare earths, the majority end up in landfill or are incinerated. A huge resource potential remains unused.

3. Your cell phone contains more gold than a gold mine

There is more gold in a ton of old cell phones than in a ton of gold ore. Despite this, less than a third of these resources are recovered.

4. Europe leads in e-waste - but not in recycling

European countries generate the most electronic waste per capita. Despite stricter laws, the recycling rate remains below expectations.

5. Illegal exports: electronic waste becomes a global crisis

Up to 40 % of electrical scrap from industrialized countries is illegally exported to developing countries, where it is often dismantled by hand under dangerous conditions.

6. Danger to people and the environment

Electronic waste contains toxic substances such as lead, mercury and cadmium. These can contaminate soil and groundwater - with long-term consequences for health.

7. Recycling saves more energy than you think

The recycling of aluminum from electronic waste requires 95 % less energy than production from raw materials. The situation is similar for other metals.

8. Your old devices could save lives

Used electronics that are refurbished can be given a second chance in schools, hospitals or charitable projects - especially in structurally weak regions.

9. There are more old cell phones than people on earth

According to estimates, there are over 6 billion unused cell phones in drawers. A gigantic source of raw materials that is not being exploited.

10. Zero waste is feasible - even in IT

With strategies such as IT remarketing, professional data erasure and certified recycling, companies can achieve a Circular economy establish. This saves costs and protects the environment.

Conclusion: the time for sustainable decisions is now

E-waste is more than just waste - it is an opportunity. Companies and private individuals can be part of the solution through conscious decisions and sustainable technologies.

Find out more about sustainable IT solutions and certified recycling here.

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