

Companies whose IT landscape must always be technically up to date often carry out an audit after just two to three years of use. Exchange yours IT systems through.

In this way countless old appliances in the Waste disposalalthough they would still be functional for years to come.

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devices processed

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tons of CO2 emissions saved

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TB data securely deleted


In any case, reuse and recycling are the smarter and more ecological way forward, especially as the raw materials needed to manufacture IT hardware are scarce resources. It is no coincidence that the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) stipulates the "protection of the environment and health" and the "conservation of natural resources" - and encourages us to "reduce the amount of waste through reuse".

What one user no longer needs can - if comprehensively refurbished - be of great benefit to another. For example, remarketing IT equipment enables schools, social institutions, financially disadvantaged users or people in developing countries to enter the world of modern communication technology at low cost.

In line with this philosophy, we at Second IT have set up our processes in such a way that they are as resource-conserving and energy-efficient as possible; the statutory environmental regulations are not the target for us, but merely minimum requirements. This is reflected, among other things, in our highly efficient refurbishment methodology: it enables a very high percentage of devices to be reused, thus conserving resources that would otherwise be needed to manufacture new hardware.

Remarketing IT devices helps to significantly reduce electronic waste and provide companies with economic benefits.

In short, the sustainable use of natural resources is not just part of our business model, but a matter close to our hearts. By acting sustainably, we assume responsibility - both ecologically and socially: towards you, our suppliers and employees as well as future generations.

Impact Overview


Investment Consult

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Commitment to sustainability

Meet the people behind our green IT remarketing initiatives - experts who are driving our commitment to a sustainable future.

"We face up to our ecological and social responsibility and environmental protection and social commitment as important corporate goals."
second-it-store-gmbh-data-deletion-it-remarketing-refurbisher-sustainability-NoahRoessler (2)

Noah Rössler

Environment & IT Recycling


Marie Hoffmann

IT Remarking



According to a study by the Federal Environment Agency*, a new notebook that is 10 % more energy efficient would have to be used for 80 years before its energy consumption is offset compared to the old device.

This example shows impressively that it is not the daily use but the production of new devices that causes the most damage to the environment: up to 20,000 liters of water are used to manufacture a single PC alone.** If you bear in mind that several hundred million new PCs leave the production facilities every year, it quickly becomes clear how important green IT is for the ecological balance of our planet.

However, a more sustainable approach can be taken through targeted remarketing of IT devices: Companies and organizations can reuse refurbished IT devices instead of producing new hardware.

* Federal Environment Agency:
   No more Ex and Hopp - for the sake of the climate
** German Water Protection Association

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